Now, finally, again revisit the figure on the right. This geometry yields
the exact same number of
1.6182..., and it's called the Phi Ratio.
Thus, your knuckle lengths are based on the Fundamental Building Block of our universe. Everything is.
Geometry is this "math of the universe". You don't need Einstein's
equations to understand it. The universe is simple, and no more complex
than what we've already shown. Anyone can understand it.
explains why kids seem to "shoot up" in height as they grow. It explains
Genesis. It explains 2012. It explains why Jesus came. It explains
Thus, it is a safe non-confrontational language with
which to discuss the universe, all the events leading up to this 2012
transition, and the transition itself. That is precisely what's done in
our book
Getting Aligned.
The first third of the book is a wonderful education on Sacred
Geometry; the next third is our history, and the last third is what you
need to do to be successful in this upcoming transition. Lots of
references and places to go for more info are provided.
For those
of you uncomfortable with "religion" or "spiritual" chatter, Sacred Geometry
provides a great avenue to get all the answers you seek (and many you might not have thought of quite yet).